www.petrossian.fr is published by CAVIAR PETROSSIAN
Headquarters: 18 Bd de La Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris - France
Telephone number: +33144896766
RCS number: Paris B 652 050 329
SIRET: 652 050 329 00018
Share capital: 240 000 EUR
VAT number: FR 14 652 050 329
Director of the website publication
Armen Petrossian
Alioze : Ecommerce Design
Aimery Chemin : Photographies
Web hosting
Alioze France
15 rue Claude Terrasse
75016 Paris
Siret : 502 835 697 00017
NAF : Programmation informatique (6201Z)
Guarantees and liabilities
Caviar Petrossian has taken all of the usage precautions in order to ensure providing trustworthy information as well as secured access to the www.petrossian.fr website. However, Caviar Petrossian cannot, in any case, guarantee the total absence of a material error, technical flaw, or other. Furthermore, we cannot guarantee the compatibility of our website with your specific means and uses.
Caviar Petrossian cannot be held responsible for any damage related to the use of its website, and is released of any responsibility related to the information contained on other websites that could be linked to this one, either via hypertext or by any other means.
Intellectual property rights
All brands, logos, texts, photos, illustrations, and images, whether visual or auditory, that are on the www.petrossian.fr website, are protected by copyright, registered trademark, or by industrial design rights. They are the full and complete property of Caviar Petrossian, or of any of the companies to which it belongs, or of any of its partners. Consequently, Petrossian will take legal action against anyone who, directly or indirectly, infringes upon these rights, especially regarding counterfeits.
We would like to remind you that the use or reproduction of any element on our website is strictly forbidden.